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What Is Price Gouging

What Is Price Gouging? How It's Defined & Enforced, and How to Avoid It

What is Price Gouging?

Price gouging is the practice of selling goods or services at unreasonably high prices, typically during a crisis or emergency. It is often defined as a percentage increase above the pre-crisis price.

How is Price Gouging Defined and Enforced by States?

Most states have laws against price gouging, but the definitions and penalties vary. Generally, price gouging laws prohibit sellers from charging prices that are "unconscionable" or "excessive" during a declared emergency.

The penalties for price gouging can include fines, imprisonment, and civil lawsuits. Some states also allow consumers to file complaints with the Attorney General's office.

How to Avoid Price Gouging as a Business

To avoid price gouging, businesses should:

  • Keep track of pre-crisis prices.
  • Only increase prices to cover legitimate costs, such as increased supply chain costs or labor costs.
  • Be transparent about pricing and provide customers with a clear explanation of any price increases.
  • Monitor your competitors' prices and avoid charging significantly higher prices.
  • Be willing to negotiate with customers and offer discounts or payment plans if necessary.

Enforcement of Price Gouging Laws during the COVID-19 Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in price gouging complaints. Many states have cracked down on price gouging, with some issuing large fines and even jail time for violators.

Here are some examples of price gouging enforcement during the COVID-19 crisis:

  • In New York, a grocery store chain was fined $250,000 for overcharging for essential items such as hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.
  • In California, a medical supply company was fined $1 million for selling N95 masks at a 500% markup.
  • In Florida, a man was sentenced to 20 years in prison for selling fake COVID-19 test kits at a 1,000% markup.

The enforcement of price gouging laws during the COVID-19 crisis has sent a clear message that this practice will not be tolerated.


Price gouging is a serious problem that can harm consumers and undermine the economy. It is important for businesses to be aware of the laws against price gouging and to take steps to avoid it.
